The archive will remain a ‘work-in-progress’. If you have found or come across any items that you think might be relevant and of interest, please contact us through the contact page. Constructive comments and suggestions always welcome.
Use the search item to bring up items relating to whatever aspect of the project interests you. Where possible we will show copies of the actual material – document, photo or audio files. Otherwise, the website will simply ‘signpost’ you to where you can find the material. This will generally be for items that have copyright or other permission issues. The item will give a brief description of the item. If you want to follow it up you can contact the archive where it is located – a museum or a local history group.Although we stand to make no commercial advantage from using material, we have exercised due diligence in checking any restrictions on our right to display it.
Or just browse, there is already lots of fascinating material there …
Selby Superpit Blog
This blog, still under development, contains a wealth of information about the Selby Coalfield. Far too much to include here…
Key Dates in the Establishing of the Selby Coalfield
See Also “Coalfinder Ron”
Coalfinder Ron – Discovering the Selby Coalfield
See also “Key Dates in establishing the Selby Coalfield”
Abbots Staith: Selby
We are grateful to the Abbots Staith Heritage Trust for permission to reproduce a number of images from three books…
Gascoine Wood Aerial photograph
Selby Coalfield : Underground Machinery
These images of the machinery used to bore the underground tunnels and to cut into the coalface come from “Selby:…
Sailing Barges on the River Ouse
Flowering Plants along the Solar System Greenway 2022
A survey undertaken by York Greenway volunteers from the University of York Biology Department
Robbins Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM)
We would love to know who these gentlemen are. If it’s you, or someone you recognize, let us know. We…
Dismantling the LNER at Naburn Bridge and Acaster Lane
Thee photgraphs were taken by Steve Waterman whose farm sits alongside the track. See also his account of life beside…
University of York Evaluation Report on the Solar System Greenway
This report was undertaken by the Department of Sociology of the University of York Copy of R2G Final Draft University…
A station for Bishopthorpe
This account has been provided by Linda Halewood of Bishopthorpe’s Community Archive Since I have run the Bishopthorpe Community Archive,…
Memories of a long-time Ranger
Roger Armistead was a City of York planner when John Grimshaw first bought the redundant railway line from Riccall to…
York Bike Belles: an interview with Sheridan Piggott
Here Sheridan Piggott, York Bike Belles Programme Manager, talks about the importance of traffic free Greenways in the work of…
A Green Councillors View: Andy D’Agorne
Andy Dagorne is Green Ward Councillor for Fishergate Ward, Deputy Leader of City of York Council and Executive Member for…